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Dark flower scarab

Harmful Effects of Dark flower scarab

Euphoria sepulcralis

A species of Euphoria

Dark flower scarab poses risks to a variety of plants by damaging various plant parts through chewing, boring, and fluid extraction. These activities can result in impacts ranging from mild to severe, potentially reducing plant growth and vitality.

What Type of Pest Is Dark flower scarab?

Hurt Plant
Hurt Plant
Damage Stage
Adults, Larvae
Host Plants Organs
Roots, Stems, Leaves, Flowers, Fruits
Damage Ways
Chew Plant Tissues, Boring Plant Tissues, Sucking Plant Fluids
Damage Reason
Damage Level
Mild to Severe
Adult and larval dark flower scarab threaten a variety of plants, damaging roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits by chewing and boring into tissues, as well as sucking plant fluids. This feeding can lead to a range of impacts from mild to severe, including reduced growth and compromised plant vitality.
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Green fig beetle
The green fig beetle (Cotinis mutabilis) is a pest because it devours fruits like apricots, figs, peaches, and plums. However, the larvae don't harm fruit because they burrow underground and feast on compost instead. The adults are a metallic green color, and they can fly for long distances in search of fresh fruit.
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Green June Beetle
The green June Beetle (Cotinis nitida) is not considered to be a significant pest given that they do not come in large groups. However, their love of soft fruits can make them an unfortunate addition to peach orchards and grape fields. Larval stages are also considered a minor pest to lawns, as they eat the roots of the grass.
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Cowboy beetle
The cowboy beetle grows to 2 - 2.5 cm long with females generally slightly larger than males. It has a yellow-brown colouration and when in flight produce a loud buzzing noise which creates the illusion of a large wasp.
Kern's flower scarab
Kern's flower scarab
With its iridescent body shimmering in hues of green and copper, kern's flower scarab graces its environment with a captivating presence. This species, renowned for its ability to pollinate as it drifts from flower to flower, plays a crucial role in the health of its ecosystem. As it matures, it transitions from a diet of decaying plant material as a larva to savoring nectar and pollen in adulthood, showcasing the remarkable adaptability that characterizes its life cycle.
A scarab beetle
A scarab beetle
This insect is a dazzling inhabitant of woodland edges and meadows, recognized by its shimmering exoskeleton that captures sunlight in a spectacle of iridescence. With a diet that is both varied and resourceful, including tree sap, fruits, and flowers, a scarab beetle plays a subtle yet important role in the ecosystem by facilitating the process of pollination, contributing to the health and propagation of various plant species.
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Emerald euphoria
Euphoria fulgida, the emerald euphoria, is a species of scarab beetle in the family Scarabaeidae. It is found in North America.
Bumble flower beetle
Bumble flower beetle
The bumble flower beetle (Euphoria inda) is a likely mimic of bumblebees, which explains the full name given its habit to buzz while flying. It often buzzes about the ooze of infected trees, such as those found on cottonwoods and elms. While it isn't considered a major pest, it does have the capacity to damage lilies and strawflowers, making it not a friend of gardeners.
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