How to identify it?
Male, body densely tangerine pubescent. Wing fuchsia. Center area of forewing transparent with a small white dot.
Female, body densely yellow pubescent. Overall pinkish-purple, forewing exoloma pink, the rest parts orangish. Forewing with a small white dot in the middle.
Larva head capsule earthy yellow. Venter with 3 pairs of earthy yellow thoracic legs and 5 pairs of dark prolegs. Body densely tiny white dotted, with symmetrical red longitudinal stripes and small black acanthus.
license: CC-BY-SA-3.0 author :
Photo By gaudettelaura , used under CC-BY-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Scientific Classification
Arthropods Class
Bugs Order
Moths and butterflies Family
Saturniids Genus
Oakworms Species
Pink striped oakworm moth