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Labyrinth spider

Labyrinth spider

Agelena labyrinthica

A species of Eurasian grass spiders

The labyrinth spider (Agelena labyrinthica) acts like the minotaur from Greek mythology. It takes advantage of low-lying vegetation to create funnel webs that act as labyrinths for insects trying to escape. Sensing organs on its legs tell the spider when the prey gets caught, or approaches, their labyrinthian webs.

Toxic to Animals
Toxic to Animals
Bite Humans
Bite Humans
General Info About Labyrinth spider
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Attributes of Labyrinth spider
grassland; uncultivated field edge; low bush of gorse and heather
Adult Food Sources
Flies, beetles, grasshoppers, small moths, other small invertebrates
Larva Food Source
Small insects, aphids, mites, small arthropods, fly larvae
Not reported
Not reported
Defensive attack
Not reported
The Labyrinth spider can induce toxic reactions varying in severity. Nevertheless, these toxins primarily target their prey and predators and are usually not fatal to humans.
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Pest-Eating Predatory
Not reported
Not reported
The Labyrinth spider typically preys on other arthropods and does not directly affect plants.
Biting animal or pet
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Species Status of Labyrinth spider
It is a widespread species in Europe.
Distribution Area of Labyrinth spider
Appearance of Labyrinth spider
Funnel-web spiders typically range in size from 8 - 12 mm for males and 1 - 1.4 cm for females. Agelena labyrinthica, however, has a body length of up to 1.8 cm. The abdomen is dark with a pale central band flanked by white chevron marks. The cephalothorax is yellow-brown and bears two, broad longitudinal stripes positioned towards the front of the spider.

How to Identify Labyrinth spider?

Adult Size of Labyrinth spider
8 - 14 mm
Predators of Labyrinth spider Larvae
Birds, ants, wasps, larger spiders
Predators of Adult Labyrinth spider
Birds, reptiles, amphibians, larger spiders, mammals
Interesting Facts About Labyrinth spider
Labyrinth spider constructs a distinct funnel-shaped web that acts as both a residence and a cunning trap for unsuspecting prey.
Scientific Classification of Labyrinth spider
Tips for Finding Labyrinth spider
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Youth Habitat of Labyrinth spider
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Urban and Suburban Areas, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas
Adult Habitat of Labyrinth spider
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Urban and Suburban Areas, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas
How Can You Attract Labyrinth spider
To lure labyrinth spider out, consider using small insects as bait.
When is the Best Time to Observe Labyrinth spider
The most suitable time to find labyrinth spider is usually early morning or late at night when they are active.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Labyrinth spider
Mild to warm weather with high humidity is ideal for finding labyrinth spider as these conditions are favourable for their activity and web construction.
How and Where Can You Find Labyrinth spider at Different Life Stages
Juvenile Labyrinth spider juveniles can be seen near their hatching site, which is typically in sheltered areas such as under stones or wood debris. Look for them in these areas without causing disturbance to the environment.
Labyrinth spider sub-adults start to venture out and can be found on their funnel webs near the entrances. Gently probe around the funnels with a twig to encourage labyrinth spider to reveal itself.
Adult Mature labyrinth spider can be found on or around their large, horizontal sheet webs with a funnel retreat. Locate these webs in grassy or shrubby areas, and you may see labyrinth spider waiting for prey or resting in its funnel. Observe from a distance to avoid disrupting the web.
Are Labyrinth spider harmful?
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The labyrinth spider can cause toxic reactions with a wide range of severity. However, the toxins are typically targeted at their prey and predators. They are usually not fatal to humans.


Are Labyrinth spider harmful to humans?

Funnel weavers, like most spiders, have fangs and can inject venom into prey. The toxicity of the venom is limited. For humans, the bite of the funnel spider is not serious in most cases unless the patient himself has a severe allergic reaction to the venom.
Harmful Effects of Labyrinth spider
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Icon toxic for
Toxic to Animals
Icon toxic for
Bite Humans
Toxic to Animals

Labyrinth spider may cause mild discomfort to animals such as humans, dogs, cats, and rats through the delivery of venom via their fangs. When bitten, different animals experience various reactions to the venom, ranging from slight irritation to allergic responses. Insects, due to their smaller size, may suffer more severe consequences upon being envenomated. The toxin is particularly employed by adult individuals of the species as a defensive mechanism and to subdue prey.

Bite Humans

Labyrinth spider does not characteristically bite humans. These spiders typically reserve biting as a defense mechanism when threatened; however, incidences involving humans are rare. Bites, if they occur, would result from accidental encounters and produce mild, localized symptoms.

More Effects of Labyrinth spider

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