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Burara jaina

Bibasis jaina

A species of Bibasis

Both sexes: The butterfly, which has a wingspan of 60 to 70 mm, is a dark vinaceous (colour of red wine) brown above. The forewing has an orange costal streak from the base above the cell to about halfway along the wing, while the hindwing has an orange fringe. The butterfly is paler below and has orange bands along the veins of the hindwing. Male: The male may have an indistinct dark brand placed centrally on the forewing above, between mid 1b to vein 3. Edward Yerbury Watson (1891) gives a detailed description, shown below: Male. Upperside forewing with an orange red subcostal basal streak and an indistinct blackish patch beneath the cell; front of thorax, anal tuft, and cilia of hindwing bright orange red; thorax and base of abdomen clothed with bluish grey hairs. Underside paler brown; both wings with a small black orange red bordered basal spot: forewing with a well-defined purplish white spot within the cell; and a curved discal series of narrow less defined spots; posterior margin broadly yellow: hindwing with the veins towards the abdominal margin and cilia orange red; a curved ill-defined series of narrow purplish white discal streaks. Third joint of palpi brown; thorax beneath greyish; middle of abdomen beneath and sides of the bands and legs orange red. Female similar, but with darker bluish grey hairs without the orange red subcostal streak and black discal patch. Life cycle

General Info About Burara jaina
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Attributes of Burara jaina
Forest edge, valley and forest road around forest environment
Adult Food Sources
Floral nectar, sap on trees, honeydew produced by aphids, juices from decaying fruit, moisture from puddles
Larva Food Source
Leaves of host plants, plant tissues, plant stems, shoots, buds
Not reported
Not reported
Defensive attack
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Biting animal or pet
Not reported
Mouthparts Type
Siphoning mouthparts
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Species Status of Burara jaina
Very common in Kodagu, rare in India
Distribution Area of Burara jaina
Predators of Adult Burara jaina
Birds, spiders, mantis, lizards, rodents, frogs
Interesting Facts About Burara jaina
Burara jaina can sleep with its proboscis out, acting like a tiny straw for a quick sip of nectar without fully waking up.
Scientific Classification of Burara jaina
Tips for Finding Burara jaina
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Youth Habitat of Burara jaina
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies
Habitat Preferences of Burara jaina Through Different Life Stages
The eggs of burara jaina are deposited on leaves of host plants, typically found in subtropical gardens or meadows. Searching for the larvae requires inspecting the underside of leaves or within curled leaves where caterpillars of burara jaina create shelters. The chrysalids are more clandestine, often tucked away in more concealed locations such as under branches or in leaf litter. The adult burara jaina, a butterfly, frequents open areas like fields, forest clearings, and gardens to feed on nectar, making these places ideal for sighting them.
When is the Best Time to Observe Burara jaina
The most suitable time to find burara jaina would often be during daytime when temperatures are warm, as adult burara jaina are active fliers and feeders during the day.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Burara jaina
Sunny and calm weather is generally ideal for finding burara jaina, as they are likely to be more active in these conditions for foraging and mating.
How and Where Can You Find Burara jaina at Different Life Stages
Egg Burara jaina eggs are typically laid on the host plants. To find them, inspect the undersides of leaves of known host plants for small, spherical or ovate objects that may be burara jaina eggs.
Larva Caterpillars of burara jaina can be found by searching host plants they are likely to feed on. Look for signs of feeding, such as holes in leaves, and carefully check the plant to locate the caterpillars.
Pupal Burara jaina pupae might be attached to host plants or nearby structures. Finding them involves carefully scanning the areas around host plants for chrysalises that blend in with the surroundings.
Adult Adult burara jaina can be located by visiting flowers, especially those known to be favored by butterflies for nectar. Paths or clearings near wooded areas may also be good places to spot flying adult burara jaina. Observing during the warm peak activity times will increase the chances of sightings.
Are Burara jaina harmful?
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Harmful Effects of Burara jaina
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Hurt Plant

Larvae of burara jaina target any plant, chewing on leaves and causing defoliation. The severity of plant damage can range from mild to complete leaf loss, impacting the plant's ability to photosynthesize and potentially leading to reduced growth or even death.

More Effects of Burara jaina

Beneficial Effects of Burara jaina
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Pollination Behavior Reason
Eat Pollen Or Nectar
Burara jaina, with its innate attraction to the color and shape of flowers, lands on blooms to consume pollen. In doing so, this adept flyer inadvertently transfers pollen, aiding in the sexual reproduction of flowering plants.
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