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Latrodectus katipo

A species of Widow spiders

Distinguished by its striking red and black markings, katipo possesses a unique neurotoxic venom, which it uses to immobilize its prey, primarily small invertebrates. During its juvenile phase, its coloration differs vastly, displaying white, yellow, and orange marks that gradually darken as it matures. Preferring to dwell in sand dunes near the coast, this species has a specialized habitat preference, which is reflected in its careful selection of nesting sites that provide both shelter and ample hunting opportunities.

Toxic to Humans
Toxic to Humans
Toxic to Animals
Toxic to Animals
Bite Humans
Bite Humans
Bite Animals
Bite Animals
General Info About Katipo
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Attributes of Katipo
Not reported
Defensive attack
The Katipo has special defensive behaviors that can trigger an allergic reaction. If there are serious reactions, seek IMMEDIATE medical attention.
The Katipo can induce toxic reactions varying in severity. Nevertheless, these toxins primarily target their prey and predators and are usually not fatal to humans.
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Pest-Eating Predatory
Not reported
Not reported
The Katipo typically preys on other arthropods and does not directly affect plants.
Biting animal or pet
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Species Status of Katipo
It is endemic to New Zealand. It is an endangered species and has recently become threatened with extinction.
Predators of Katipo Larvae
Hymenoptera: wasps and ants, arachnida: other spider species, reptilia: lizards, aves: birds, amphibia: frogs and toads
Predators of Adult Katipo
Arachnida: other larger spiders, aves: birds, mammalia: small mammals
Interesting Facts About Katipo
Katipo spins a web that is irregular with tangled sticky silken fibers, unlike the common orb-shaped patterns of other spiders.
Scientific Classification of Katipo
Tips for Finding Katipo
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Youth Habitat of Katipo
Grasslands and Prairies, Forests and Woodlands, Urban and Suburban Areas
When is the Best Time to Observe Katipo
Night or during the evening when katipo is more active and likely to be repairing or building their webs.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Katipo
Dry, warm conditions, as katipo prefer environments that are not overly wet and cold.
How and Where Can You Find Katipo at Different Life Stages
Egg Katipo eggs are often found in silken egg sacs that are attached to the web or surrounding structures. Look for rounded or disc-shaped sacs in sheltered, undisturbed locations.
Juvenile Juvenile katipos are small and can be found near the web of their mother or dispersing to create their own webs. Search for them by examining the periphery of existing webs or in nearby sheltered spots.
Adult Adult katipos are best found at their webs, which are often irregular and located near ground level, under logs, rocks, or in crevices. Inspect these areas during nighttime when katipo is likely to be present.
Are Katipo harmful?
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Harmful Effects of Katipo
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Icon toxic for
Toxic to Humans
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Toxic to Animals
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Bite Humans
Toxic to Humans

Katipo has venom potent to humans, used primarily for hunting prey. Its neurotoxins, delivered by fangs through a bite, can lead to severe systemic effects including muscle pain, spasms, and hypertension. Most bites result from defensive behavior, rarely ending in serious complications.

Toxic to Animals

Katipo possesses the ability to inflict injury through stinging, which can range from mild to severe reactions in other animals. In humans, a sting typically causes pain, swelling, and redness, while smaller mammals like dogs or cats may experience similar symptoms with varying intensity. Reactions can be pronounced if the individual exhibits an allergic sensitivity to the venom.

Bite Humans

Katipo bites humans primarily in self-defense, not out of aggression. The bite delivers venom through fangs as a defensive method when threatened or accidentally contacted, often resulting in pain, muscle spasms, and systemic effects. Such incidents are rare and typically result from inadvertent human actions.

More Effects of Katipo

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