How to identify it?
Male, pagina superior blue. Hindwing exoloma with a line of small black dots.
Female, pagina superior blue, forewing exoloma with conspicuous wide black band. Hindwing exoloma with a line of small black dots.
A pair of white annularly-striped clavate antennae on the head. Compound eyes black. Siphoning-sucking mouthparts. 2 pairs of scaly wings and 3 pairs of legs attached to the thorax. Pagina interior greyish-white, with black and brown spots and patterns.
Photo By John Flannery , used under CC-BY-SA-2.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Scientific Classification
Arthropods Class
Bugs Order
Moths and butterflies Family
Gossamer-winged butterflies Genus
Azures Species
Holly blue