How to identify it?
Scaly wings black-brown, exoloma undulate. Forewing's superior apical angle with 4 white spots. In the middle of the forewing is a tangerine wide horizontal band. Hind wing's pagina superior exoloma tangerine, with several black spots on it.
license: CC-BY-SA-3.0 author : Alpsdake
A pair of big brown compound eyes. A pair of white annularly-striped clavate antennae. Siphoning-sucking mouthparts. Pagina inferior complicatedly patterned, dark-colored.
Photo By Firos AK , used under CC-BY-SA-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Scientific Classification
Arthropods Class
Bugs Order
Moths and butterflies Family
Brush-footed butterflies Genus
Ladies and red admiral Species
Indian red admiral