Geometer moths
Scientific name: Geometridae
Geometer moths
Scientific name: Geometridae
Photo By Jennifer Rycenga , used under CC-BY-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
The members of the family Geometridae might be commonly dismissed as mere moths, yet they hold a delightful peculiarity that intrigues both scientists and casual observers alike. These creatures, often referred to as 'inchworms' during their larval stage, do not simply crawl – they loop! This distinctive movement comes from their lack of middle legs, compelling them to bring their hind legs forward to meet the front legs and then extend the body forward, creating the appearance of measuring the earth inch by inch. Furthermore, some species of Geometridae, known for their mimicry skills, exhibit wings that remarkably resemble leaves and twigs, a masterful adaptation for evasion from predators.
Species of Geometer moths
Photo By Jennifer Rycenga , used under CC-BY-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original