Photo By Thomas Bresson from Belfort, France , used under CC-BY-2.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
Hemaris fuciformis
A species of Hemaris, Also known as Broad-bordered hawkmoth
Hemaris fuciformis, known as the broad-bordered bee hawk-moth, is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is found in North Africa, Europe (except northern Scandinavia) and central and eastern Asia. The wingspan is 38–48 millimetres (1.5–1.9 in). The moth flies from April to September depending on the location. The larvae feed on honeysuckle and Galium species.
General Info About Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
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The Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth feeds on plants, usually without causing significant harm. However, it's important to take the situation seriously if their numbers begin to increase significantly.
Not reported
Biting animal or pet
Not reported
Mouthparts Type
Siphoning mouthparts
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Species Status of Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
Predators of Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth Larvae
Birds, rodents, wasps, ants, spiders
Predators of Adult Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
Birds, bats, spiders
Interesting Facts About Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth can hover in place like a hummingbird, which is a unique trait among moths.
Scientific Classification of Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
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How Can You Attract Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
Flowering plants like Buddleja or Syringa are effective as trap food to attract adult broad-bordered bee hawk-moth. These plants can be planted in gardens or used as cuttings to lure the butterfly with their nectar.
Habitat Preferences of Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth Through Different Life Stages
The larvae of broad-bordered bee hawk-moth are typically found on honeysuckle, Hawthorn, and snowberry plants where they feed on leaves and can be spotted by searching these host plants. Pupae can be discovered in the soil beneath, so gently excavating around the base of the host plants may reveal them snugly cocooned. Adult broad-bordered bee hawk-moth, recognized for hovering flight, frequent gardens for nectar-rich flowers like Buddleia or Phlox, so visiting such flowers could give you a chance to observe them buzzing from bloom to bloom.
When is the Best Time to Observe Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
The best time to find broad-bordered bee hawk-moth is during the day, especially when the sun is out and the weather is warm, as this is when they are most active and likely to be feeding on nectar.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
Warm, sunny, and calm weather is ideal to find broad-bordered bee hawk-moth, as they tend to be more active and visible under these conditions. Too much wind or rain can discourage them from flying and feeding.
How and Where Can You Find Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth at Different Life Stages
Larva Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth larvae can be found on host plants such as Galium and Rubus. Look for them by inspecting the leaves and stems of these plants for signs of feeding or by searching for the caterpillars themselves, which tend to have a camouflage coloration.
Pupal During the pupa stage, broad-bordered bee hawk-moth attaches itself to a structure such as a plant stem or leaf underside. To find a pupa, you will need to search these areas thoroughly, looking for camouflaged, mummy-shaped pupae that blend in with their surroundings.
Adult Adult broad-bordered bee hawk-moth can be found flying in open, sunny habitats often near woodland edges, gardens, or meadows. They can be spotted feeding on nectar from flowers or seen hovering in flight. Planting attractive flowers or creating a butterfly-friendly habitat can aid in finding adult broad-bordered bee hawk-moth.
Are Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth harmful?
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Harmful Effects of Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
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Garden and Landscape Pest
Larvae of broad-bordered bee hawk-moth are known to chew on the leaves of ornamental plants such as honeysuckle and fuchsias. Infestations can range from mild to severe, with extensive feeding potentially leading to defoliation. While damage to plants may affect aesthetic value and plant vigor, the pest does not directly impact humans.
Beneficial Effects of Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth
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Prefer Plant Type
Pollination Behavior Reason
Eat Pollen Or Nectar
Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth is a diligent pollinator that hovers like a hummingbird while it sips nectar from a variety of blossoms, especially fond of Asteraceae. It is primarily attracted by the vivid colors and distinct shapes of flowers. While feeding, broad-bordered bee hawk-moth inadvertently gathers pollen on its body and transfers it from bloom to bloom, aiding in plant reproduction.
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