Photo By jdee , used under CC-BY-SA-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Hummingbird clearwing
Hemaris thysbe
A species of Hemaris, Also known as Hummingbird clearwing sphinx
The hummingbird clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) not only looks like a hummingbird, but it also hovers near flower to suck nectar. So, these insects are most commonly found in gardens, meadows, and forests, and they can migrate long distances. The adults benefit the environment by pollinating flowers, but the larvae are often pests for tobacco and tomato plants.
General Info About Hummingbird clearwing
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Attributes of Hummingbird clearwing
forest; meadow; garden
Adult Food Sources
Lilac, bee balm, phlox, butterfly bush, red clover
Larva Food Source
Honeysuckle, hawthorn, snowberry, cherry, plum
Not reported
Not reported
Defensive attack
Not reported
Not reported
The Hummingbird clearwing is non-toxic and generally doesn't pose a risk to human health. No need for excessive worry.
Not reported
The Hummingbird clearwing is often found near the corolla, where its fluffy hairs easily pick up pollen, assisting in the pollination of the plant.
Mouthparts Type
Siphoning mouthparts
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Species Status of Hummingbird clearwing
It is found in a large portion of North America, with a range extending from Alaska to Oregon in the west and from Newfoundland to Florida in the east. It is a migratory species and is most common in southern Ontario and the eastern United States.
Distribution Area of Hummingbird clearwing
North America, western Great Plains
Appearance of Hummingbird clearwing
Coloration varies between individuals, but typically the moth is olive green and burgundy on its back, and white or yellow and burgundy on the underside. Its wings are transparent with a reddish-brown border. The body of an adult Hemaris thysbe moth is spindle shaped, and is largely covered by a thick coat of fur. Typically, the back side of the moth is olive to golden-olive on the thorax and burgundy to black with light olive to dark golden patches on the abdomen. Hemaris thysbe has light-colored, often yellow legs. The antennae of Hemaris thysbe are thicker at their base and are curved at the ends. The Hemaris thysbe caterpillar is yellowish green with bands of dark green and reddish brown to dark brown.
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Youth Habitat of Hummingbird clearwing
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Urban and Suburban Areas, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas
Adult Habitat of Hummingbird clearwing
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Urban and Suburban Areas, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Gardens and Parks
How Can You Attract Hummingbird clearwing
To attract hummingbird clearwing, one can use sugar-water feeders or plant nectar-rich flowers that they are known to feed on, such as bee balm, phlox, and butterfly bush.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Hummingbird clearwing
Dry and sunny weather conditions are ideal for spotting hummingbird clearwing, as they prefer clear skies and warm temperatures to fly and feed.
How and Where Can You Find Hummingbird clearwing at Different Life Stages
Egg Hummingbird clearwing eggs are very small and can be found on the underside of host plant leaves. Look for tiny, spherical objects attached to the leaves of plants like honeysuckle or viburnum.
Larva Caterpillars of hummingbird clearwing are green with horn-like protrusions and can be located on the host plants they feed on. Carefully inspect the leaves of host plants for signs of feeding, such as chewed edges, and look for caterpillars camouflaged among them.
Pupal To find hummingbird clearwing during the pupal stage, search near the ground among leaf litter or in the soil close to host plants, where the larvae attach and transform into pupae.
Adult Adult hummingbird clearwing are often confused with hummingbirds due to their hovering flight and can be found feeding on the nectar of flowers. Visit gardens or fields with abundant blooms to watch for the rapid wing beats and feeding behavior of hummingbird clearwing.
Are Hummingbird clearwing harmful?
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Beneficial Effects of Hummingbird clearwing
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Attract Plant Feature
Color, Smell
Pollination Behavior Reason
Eat Pollen Or Nectar
Hummingbird clearwing is a diligent pollinator, resembling a hummingbird as it hovers by flowers to sip nectar with its long proboscis. This inadvertent dance aids in pollination, as pollen sticks to its body and is carried to adjacent blooms, fertilizing them.
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