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Giant mayfly

Giant mayfly

Hexagenia limbata

A species of Giant mayflies, Also known as Green Bay Fly, Great Leadwing Drake, Michigan hex burrowing mayfly, Hex

The giant mayfly (Hexagenia limbata) is attracted to lighting produced by humans. As a result, they are commonly seen swarming gas stations. If they are attracted to the lights on bridges, the bridges can become slippery. Males molt from non-mating adults to mating adults known as Imagos. Imagos have up to 24 hours to mate, where they die shortly after.

General Info About Giant mayfly
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Attributes of Giant mayfly
lake; river
Adult Food Sources
None (Adults do not feed and rely on energy stored from the younger stage)
Larva Food Source
Algae, detritus, plant material, microscopic organisms, organic particles
Not reported
Not reported
Defensive attack
Not reported
Not reported
The Giant mayfly is non-toxic and generally doesn't pose a risk to human health. No need for excessive worry.
Not reported
Biting animal or pet
Not reported
Mouthparts Type
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Appearance of Giant mayfly
The mature adult stage of Hexagenia limbata can be as much as 2.5 cm long. The females tend to be slightly larger than the males but have smaller eyes. The forewings are long and membranous while the hind wings are much smaller and have dark margins. The tip of the abdomen bears two long cerci or tails. The color and body markings are somewhat variable but this insect is usually some shade of yellow, pale brown or white. The newly hatched nymph is about 1 mm long. It has a long, roughly cylindrical body.

How to Identify Giant mayfly?

Life Cycle of Giant mayfly
Egg The egg stage for giant mayfly involves deposition into water. The eggs are microscopic and undergo a period of dormancy before hatching into nymphs.
Naiad As naiads, giant mayfly possess external gills and live in water, molting multiple times as they grow. The adaptations for underwater life include a flattened body and the absence of wings.
Subimago Giant mayfly transforms into a subimago with the first emergence from water. The subimago has wings and can fly, but their body is not fully colored and their wings have a dull appearance.
Adult The final molt reveals the adult giant mayfly. Distinguished by clear, veined wings and a slender body optimized for flight, the focus is on mating. After reproduction, adults typically die within a few days.
Adult Size of Giant mayfly
1.8 - 3 cm
Predators of Giant mayfly Larvae
Frogs, toads, birds, fish, jumping spiders, dragonfly nymphs
Predators of Adult Giant mayfly
Birds, bats, fish, frogs, spiders
Interesting Facts About Giant mayfly
Adult giant mayflys have two long cerci and a single caudal filament, extending from their abdomen, which helps in stability during flight.
Scientific Classification of Giant mayfly
Tips for Finding Giant mayfly
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How Can You Attract Giant mayfly
Aquatic vegetation or detritus may be used as natural attractants for giant mayfly, considering their dietary habits.
Habitat Preferences of Giant mayfly Through Different Life Stages
The eggs of giant mayfly are typically found deposited on the sediment of freshwaters such as rivers and lakes, where they fall from the surface after being released. During the naiad stage, they inhabit the bottom of these water bodies, burrowing into the sediment and thriving there. As adults, giant mayfly emerge and are generally located swarming near the water surface for mating, often in large numbers around dusk. To search for the various stages, one would start by sifting through the river or lake sediment for the eggs or naiads and observe the airspace around these bodies to spot the adults, especially during their dusk mating flights.
When is the Best Time to Observe Giant mayfly
The best time to find giant mayfly is usually during twilight or near dusk when they are most active and visible due to their mating flights.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Giant mayfly
Mild weather conditions without heavy rain or wind are ideal for locating giant mayfly, as these conditions do not disrupt their typical behavior patterns.
How and Where Can You Find Giant mayfly at Different Life Stages
Naiad Giant mayfly naiads live in the sediment or among submerged aquatic vegetation in freshwater habitats. They can be found by gently sifting through the top layer of river or lake bottoms with a net.
Subimago During the subimago stage, giant mayfly is transitioning to adulthood but is not yet sexually mature. They can be found resting on nearby vegetation, rocks, or other surfaces close to the water's edge, often in the morning or evening.
Adult Adult giant mayfly, also known as spinners, are typically found in mating swarms above or near water bodies. Observing areas downstream of known naiad habitats during crepuscular hours increases chances of sighting.
Are Giant mayfly harmful?
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Beneficial Effects of Giant mayfly
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Giant mayfly naiads are excellent bioindicators for assessing freshwater ecosystems. Their sensitivity to pollution means that a healthy population indicates good water quality. Researchers evaluate their presence to gauge environmental health, with their absence signaling potential issues. Their ubiquity in aquatic monitoring showcases their valuable role as bioindicators.
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