Neobisiid pseudoscorpions
Scientific name: Neobisiidae
Neobisiid pseudoscorpions
Scientific name: Neobisiidae


Belonging to the family Neobisiidae, pseudoscorpions are tiny arachnids whose resemblance to scorpions, without the iconic tail and sting, often leads to misconceptions about their nature. These minute creatures, generally under 4 mm in length, play a significant role in the natural recycling process as they prey on small insects, aiding in pest control. Unlike their menacing look-alikes, pseudoscorpions are harmless to humans. Fascinatingly, they display a unique behavior known as phoresy, hitchhiking on larger insects for transportation to new habitats—a wonderful adaptation for such small beings to conquer vast territories.

Species of Neobisiid pseudoscorpions

Scientific Classification