Ermine moths
Scientific name: Yponomeutidae
Ermine moths
Scientific name: Yponomeutidae


The Yponomeutidae family, offers a striking demonstration of nature’s nuanced strategies for survival. Contrary to their delicate and unassuming appearance, these moths are voracious as larvae, with several species capable of defoliating trees such as apple and elm. A well-known species among them is associated with the common error that ‘webworms’ cause widespread harm to apple crops. However, it’s often their larval webs, rather than the larvae themselves, that alarm orchard growers disproportionately. This misunderstanding highlights the importance of distinguishing between actual threats and benign presences in horticulture. The Yponomeutidae illustrates the complexities of ecological interactions beautifully, stressing the necessity for informed agricultural practices.

Species of Ermine moths

Scientific Classification