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Dusky Wireworm

Dusky Wireworm

Agriotes obscurus

A species of Agriotes, Also known as Dark click beetle

Agriotes obscurus is a species of click beetles native to Europe.

General Info About Dusky Wireworm
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Attributes of Dusky Wireworm
Coniferous forest; open grassland; wasteland; park; road verge; disturbed land; garden
Adult Food Sources
Leaves, flower parts, nectar, pollen, soft-bodied plant tissues
Larva Food Source
Roots of grasses, roots of cereal crops, plant seeds, underground stems, organic matter in soil
Not reported
Not reported
Defensive attack
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Pest-Eating Predatory
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
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Life Cycle of Dusky Wireworm
Egg The egg stage marks the beginning of the dusky Wireworm's lifecycle. Eggs are usually laid in clusters and are small, displaying little to no movement. The color and shape are species-specific, often designed for camouflage or protection.
Larva During this stage, the dusky Wireworm experiences significant growth. Larvae, commonly referred to as grubs, are worm-like with a distinct head and chewing mouthparts. They feed voraciously, which leads to dramatic increases in size, requiring multiple molts.
Pupal The pupal stage is a transformational phase. Enclosed in a protective casing, the dusky Wireworm undergoes metamorphosis. This stage sees the reorganization of the larval body into adult structures. The insect is usually immobile and vulnerable during this time.
Adult Emerging from the pupa, the adult dusky Wireworm's development is marked by the presence of wings and functional reproductive organs. The body is fully formed and hardened, and the adult is mobile, focusing on reproduction.
Predators of Dusky Wireworm Larvae
Birds, rodents, carabid beetles, spiders, ants
Predators of Adult Dusky Wireworm
Birds, mammals, reptiles, spiders, insectivorous insects
Interesting Facts About Dusky Wireworm
The larvae of dusky Wireworm, known as wireworms, can live underground for up to four years before becoming adults.
Scientific Classification of Dusky Wireworm
Tips for Finding Dusky Wireworm
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Youth Habitat of Dusky Wireworm
Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Grasslands and Prairies
Adult Habitat of Dusky Wireworm
Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Grasslands and Prairies, Forests and Woodlands
How Can You Attract Dusky Wireworm
Adult dusky Wireworm are attracted to fermenting sweet baits due to their feeding habits. Consequently, traps baited with molasses or other fermenting sweet substances can be effective.
Habitat Preferences of Dusky Wireworm Through Different Life Stages
The larvae of dusky Wireworm commonly reside underground, feeding on roots and seeds, making crop fields and gardens frequent larval habitats. When searching for these larvae, one would have to dig into the soil of these areas. The adult dusky Wireworm is typically found in grassy fields or wooded areas, particularly near sources of light at night. To find the adults, one would explore these areas with a flashlight after dusk, as they are attracted to light. Neither the eggs nor the pupae are commonly encountered, as they are located in the soil, which makes them more challenging to find without disturbing the ground.
When is the Best Time to Observe Dusky Wireworm
The most appropriate time to find adult dusky Wireworm is during warm evenings when they are most active and likely to be drawn to lights or baited traps. Larval stages, or wireworms, can be located throughout the growing season, but they are more readily found near the soil surface during spring and fall when the soil temperatures are moderate.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Dusky Wireworm
Warm, damp weather conditions are ideal when searching for dusky Wireworm. These conditions facilitate the movement of larvae within the soil and increase adult activity.
Are Dusky Wireworm harmful?
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Harmful Effects of Dusky Wireworm
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Agricultural Pests

Larvae of dusky Wireworm feed on the roots and stems of host plants, leading to weakened growth and reduced yields. In severe infestations, plants may wilt or die, impacting agricultural productivity. Such consistent damage can have a substantial economic impact on a wide range of crops, affecting food supply and farmer livelihoods.

More Effects of Dusky Wireworm

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