Bed bugs
Scientific name: Cimicidae
Bed bugs
Scientific name: Cimicidae


Members of the Cimicidae family, commonly known for their least favorite household guest status, are fascinating examples of adaptation and mistaken identity. Despite their notoriety, these creatures are often misunderstood. A widespread myth suggests that they are only found in unclean environments; however, cleanliness has little to do with their presence. They are attracted to the carbon dioxide exhaled by humans and the warmth of our bodies, not the cleanliness of our surroundings. Scientifically, these creatures are hematophagous, feeding exclusively on blood, which allows them to thrive in various environments, from the spartan cleanliness of high-end hotels to more modest dwellings. Their ability to live up to several months without feeding makes eradication efforts particularly challenging.

Species of Bed bugs

Scientific Classification