Photo By Laisverobotams , used under CC-BY-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Scarce 7-spot ladybird
Coccinella magnifica
A species of Lady beetles, Also known as Scarce seven-spotted ladybird beetle, Scarce seven-spotted ladybird
Inhabiting a variety of temperate environments, scarce 7-spot ladybird is distinguished by its striking elytral coloration which serves as a deterrent against predators. As it matures from larva to adult, scarce 7-spot ladybird undergoes complete metamorphosis, adopting different dietary preferences at each stage—initially predacious on aphids, juveniles contribute to pest control, while adults often diversify, including pollen in their diet.
General Info About Scarce 7-spot ladybird
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Aphids, scale insects, mite larvae, insect eggs, small larvae of other insects
Not reported
Not reported
The Scarce 7-spot ladybird is often found near the corolla, where its fluffy hairs easily pick up pollen, assisting in the pollination of the plant.
Pest-Eating Predatory
The Scarce 7-spot ladybird preys on common garden pests such as: aphids, whiteflies, thrips, spider mites, etc. It is a popular insect among gardeners.
Not reported
Not reported
Biting animal or pet
Not reported
Mouthparts Type
Chewing mouthparts
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Distribution Area of Scarce 7-spot ladybird
It is present in Great Britain, where it is scarce in southern England.
Predators of Adult Scarce 7-spot ladybird
Birds, rodents, reptiles, insects
Interesting Facts About Scarce 7-spot ladybird
Adult scarce 7-spot ladybird beetles can consume up to 50 aphids per day, acting as efficient pest controllers in gardens and farms.
Scientific Classification of Scarce 7-spot ladybird
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Youth Habitat of Scarce 7-spot ladybird
Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Urban and Suburban Areas
Adult Habitat of Scarce 7-spot ladybird
Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Urban and Suburban Areas
How Can You Attract Scarce 7-spot ladybird
Scarce 7-spot ladybird adults and larvae are known to consume aphids and other small insects. Therefore, areas with large aphid populations could serve as effective trap food to locate them.
Habitat Preferences of Scarce 7-spot ladybird Through Different Life Stages
Eggs of scarce 7-spot ladybird can often be found on the underside of leaves, particularly where aphid populations are high, serving as a food source. Larvae typically emerge on these same plants, continuing to feed in these habitats. As they develop, the larvae tend to move towards ground level to pupate in sheltered places like soil debris or under leaves. Adults emerge and are commonly seen in gardens, farms, and fields, where they consume aphids and other small insects. To find the various growth stages, one must inspect the undersides of leaves for eggs, look closely around aphid colonies for larvae, and search ground-level shelters for pupae. Adults are likely to be spotted on or near plants infested with their prey.
When is the Best Time to Observe Scarce 7-spot ladybird
The best time to find scarce 7-spot ladybird is usually during the warmer months of the year when they are most active, though this may vary depending on geographic location.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Scarce 7-spot ladybird
Scarce 7-spot ladybird prefers mild weather and can often be found when it is not too hot or too cold, typically during daylight hours with temperate conditions.
Are Scarce 7-spot ladybird harmful?
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Beneficial Effects of Scarce 7-spot ladybird
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Predators of Pests
Predators of Pests
Feed Itself
Aphids, Scale Insects, Mites
Scarce 7-spot ladybird is a voracious predator, particularly during its larval stage. Consuming pests is vital for its survival and the nourishment of its offspring. Interestingly, its bright coloration also serves as a warning to potential predators while it diligently manages pest populations in gardens and farms.
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