Photo By steve_kerr , used under CC-BY-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Eleven-spot ladybird
Coccinella undecimpunctata
A species of Lady beetles, Also known as 11-spot ladybird, Eleven-spotted ladybird beetle, 11-spot ladybird beetle, 11-spotted lady beetle
The Elfpunkt ladybird (Coccinella undecimpunctata) is a beetle from the family of ladybirds (Coccinellidae).
General Info About Eleven-spot ladybird
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Attributes of Eleven-spot ladybird
coastal and estuarine habitat (dune; marsh); grassland and herb plant
Aphids, small insects, insect eggs, mites, scale insects
Not reported
Not reported
Defensive attack
Not reported
Not reported
The Eleven-spot ladybird is non-toxic and generally doesn't pose a risk to human health. No need for excessive worry.
Not reported
The Eleven-spot ladybird is often found near the corolla, where its fluffy hairs easily pick up pollen, assisting in the pollination of the plant.
Pest-Eating Predatory
The Eleven-spot ladybird preys on common garden pests such as: aphids, whiteflies, thrips, spider mites, etc. It is a popular insect among gardeners.
Not reported
The Eleven-spot ladybird typically preys on other arthropods and does not directly affect plants.
Biting animal or pet
Mouthparts Type
Chewing mouthparts
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Species Status of Eleven-spot ladybird
It is a ladybird species endemic to the Palearctic.
Distribution Area of Eleven-spot ladybird
Europe, North Africa, European Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia, the Russian Far East, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, Western Asia, Afghanistan, Mongolia, China, Pakistan, North India
Life Cycle of Eleven-spot ladybird
Egg The initial stage is the egg, where the eleven-spot ladybird is encapsulated within a protective shell. The eggs are often laid in clusters and are minuscule, oval, and pale in color.
Larva As larvae, eleven-spot ladybird dramatically differ from adults, possessing elongated bodies with well-defined segments. They are generally darker and voraciously feed, growing rapidly and shedding their skin multiple times.
Pupal During the pupal stage, eleven-spot ladybird are immobile and encased in a pupa. Transformation occurs internally as they reorganize into the adult form. The pupa may exhibit color changes as development progresses.
Adult Emerging from the pupa, the adult eleven-spot ladybird’s development is marked by the presence of wings and functional reproductive organs. The body is fully formed and hardened, and the adult is mobile, focusing on reproduction.
Adult Size of Eleven-spot ladybird
4 - 5 mm
Predators of Eleven-spot ladybird Larvae
Frogs, birds, reptiles, rodents, larger insects such as ground beetles and wasps
Predators of Adult Eleven-spot ladybird
Birds, small mammals like bats and shrews, insects such as dragonflies, ants, and other predatory beetles, arachnids like spiders
Interesting Facts About Eleven-spot ladybird
Despite their delicate appearance, eleven-spot ladybird larvae exhibit voracious predatory behaviors on aphids, making them natural biocontrol agents in gardens.
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Youth Habitat of Eleven-spot ladybird
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Urban and Suburban Areas
Adult Habitat of Eleven-spot ladybird
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Urban and Suburban Areas
How Can You Attract Eleven-spot ladybird
Since eleven-spot ladybird predominantly feed on aphids, placing aphid-infested plants nearby can serve as an effective lure.
Habitat Preferences of Eleven-spot ladybird Through Different Life Stages
Eggs of eleven-spot ladybird are typically found on the underside of leaves, particularly in locations with abundant aphid populations, which serve as food. Larvae can also be found on the leaves and stems of plants, rigorously hunting for aphids and other soft-bodied pests. Pupation generally occurs in sheltered places like the undersides of leaves or in leaf litter. Adults are more mobile and are often seen on various plants, flowers, or wandering on the ground searching for prey or mates. To find these stages, one actively searches leafy areas, especially those infested with aphids, while checking plant stems and soil detritus for pupae and adults.
When is the Best Time to Observe Eleven-spot ladybird
The best time to find eleven-spot ladybird is generally late spring to early fall, which coincides with the peak of aphid populations they prey upon.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Eleven-spot ladybird
Eleven-spot ladybird prefer warm, sunny weather because it helps to stimulate their activity and is also conducive to the abundance of their prey.
How and Where Can You Find Eleven-spot ladybird at Different Life Stages
Egg Eleven-spot ladybird eggs are often laid on the underside of leaves, especially those with aphid colonies. Search for small clusters of yellow-orange eggs in these areas.
Larva Larvae of eleven-spot ladybird are active predators and can be found traversing plant stems and leaves in search of aphids. Look for elongated, alligator-like larvae mainly on aphid-infested plants.
Pupal The eleven-spot ladybird pupae attach themselves to leaves or stems. They can be found by closely examining the foliage, especially concealed areas like the underside of leaves or in crevices.
Adult Adult eleven-spot ladybird are most visible, often seen on flowers or leaves. They can be found by looking for brightly colored, dome-shaped beetles, particularly on plants that have aphid problems.
Are Eleven-spot ladybird harmful?
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Beneficial Effects of Eleven-spot ladybird
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Predators of Pests
Predators of Pests
Adults, Larvae
Feed Itself
Eleven-spot ladybird is a voracious consumer of aphids throughout its larval and adult stages, actively hunting these pests to feed itself and its offspring. The insect employs a 'search and consume' strategy, using its well-adapted mouthparts to efficiently capture and devour its favored prey. A lesser-known fact is that eleven-spot ladybird can consume hundreds of aphids in one go, making it a valuable ally in agricultural pest management.
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