Photo By S. Rae , used under CC-BY-2.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Spotted pink ladybeetle
Coleomegilla maculata
A species of Coleomegilla, Also known as Pink spotted lady beetle, Spotted pink ladybug, Spotted Pink Lady Beetle
The spotted pink ladybeetle (Coleomegilla maculata) is a cute insect that has a red body that is covered in black spots. They enjoy a rich diet of aphids. As a result, they are often used as a control agent to keep aphid populations in check. Supplies to grow your own spotted pink ladybeetle population are available commercially because of this.
General Info About Spotted pink ladybeetle
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Attributes of Spotted pink ladybeetle
moist habitat
Adult Food Sources
Aphids, pollen, nectar, mites, various small insects
Not reported
The Spotted pink ladybeetle is non-toxic and generally doesn't pose a risk to human health. No need for excessive worry.
Not reported
The Spotted pink ladybeetle is often found near the corolla, where its fluffy hairs easily pick up pollen, assisting in the pollination of the plant.
Pest-Eating Predatory
The Spotted pink ladybeetle preys on common garden pests such as: aphids, whiteflies, thrips, spider mites, etc. It is a popular insect among gardeners.
Not reported
The Spotted pink ladybeetle typically preys on other arthropods and does not directly affect plants.
Biting animal or pet
Mouthparts Type
Chewing mouthparts
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Species Status of Spotted pink ladybeetle
It is a large coccinellid beetle native to North America.
Distribution Area of Spotted pink ladybeetle
North America
Appearance of Spotted pink ladybeetle
This is generally an oblong, flattened lady beetle species averaging about 6 mm long. Over most of its range the species is pink in coloration, except for subspecies fuscilabris which is bright orange or red. Each wing cover features 6 black markings. The thorax is a similar shade of red with two large triangular black patches. The larvae resemble miniature alligators and are dark coloured. They have three pairs of legs and grow to about 6 mm long. The eggs are spindle shaped.
Egg The eggs of spotted pink ladybeetle are typically oval and laid in clusters. At this initial stage, the eggs are minute and may vary in color, often reflective of the environment to aid in camouflage.
Larva Upon hatching, the larvae exhibit an elongated body geared towards feeding and growth. They often have a different color and texture compared to the adults, possessing chewing mouthparts for consuming food.
Pupal In this stage, spotted pink ladybeetle undergoes transformation within a protective case. The body is immobile and undergoes significant changes; the pupa is where tissues and organs develop into the adult form.
Adult Emerging from the pupa, the adult spotted pink ladybeetle's development is marked by the presence of wings and functional reproductive organs. The body is fully formed and hardened, and the adult is mobile, focusing on reproduction.
Adult Size of Spotted pink ladybeetle
5 - 6 mm
Interesting Facts About Spotted pink ladybeetle
Spotted pink ladybeetle can consume up to 50 to 60 aphids per day, playing a vital role in controlling agricultural pests naturally.
Scientific Classification of Spotted pink ladybeetle
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Youth Habitat of Spotted pink ladybeetle
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Urban and Suburban Areas
Adult Habitat of Spotted pink ladybeetle
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Urban and Suburban Areas
How Can You Attract Spotted pink ladybeetle
Spotted pink ladybeetle can be attracted using foods like aphids and other soft-bodied insects, which are their natural prey.
Habitat Preferences of Spotted pink ladybeetle Through Different Life Stages
Eggs of spotted pink ladybeetle are primarily found on the underside of leaves, especially in areas overrun by aphids. Larvae prefer to reside on plants infested with prey, such as Aphididae, where they voraciously feed. Pupae typically attach to the underside of leaves or other hidden areas on the host plants. To search for these developmental stages, inspect various plants, particularly those with high aphid populations, and look closely at leaf undersides or stems. Adults are often found on or near the same plants, where they continue to feed on pests and may also be spotted in gardens or among crops during the growing season, aiding in pest control.
When is the Best Time to Observe Spotted pink ladybeetle
The best time to find spotted pink ladybeetle is usually from late spring to early fall when temperatures are warmer and prey is abundant.
Are Spotted pink ladybeetle harmful?
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Beneficial Effects of Spotted pink ladybeetle
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Predators of Pests
Predators of Pests
Adults, Larvae
Feed Itself
Spotted pink ladybeetle are both predators and plant pollinators. As adults and voracious larvae, they feed on pests like aphids, mites, and thrips, providing natural control. They are essential for maintaining the ecological balance by reducing the pest populations and thereby protect agricultural crops.
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