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Oriental mole cricket

Oriental mole cricket

Gryllotalpa orientalis

A species of Gryllotalpa

Gryllotalpa orientalis is a species of mole cricket in the family Gryllotalpidae, commonly known as the oriental mole cricket. It is found in much of Asia and Australasia. At one time, this species was misidentified as G. africana and thought to have a widespread distribution in both Africa and Asia, but in the 1980s, G. orientalis was recognised as a separate species. It is a polyphagous pest, damaging crops by gnawing their roots.

General Info About Oriental mole cricket
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Attributes of Oriental mole cricket
The oriental mole cricket is found in Russia and other parts of the former USSR, China, Japan, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Hawaii, where it seems to have arrived from Asia before 1896.
Adult Food Sources
Roots, tubers, invertebrates, plant material, worms
Larva Food Source
Roots of plants, small insects, organic matter, seeds, worms
Not reported
Not reported
Defensive attack
Not reported
Not reported
The Oriental mole cricket is non-toxic and generally doesn't pose a risk to human health. No need for excessive worry.
Not reported
Not reported
Pest-Eating Predatory
Not reported
The Oriental mole cricket feeds on plants, usually without causing significant harm. However, it's important to take the situation seriously if their numbers begin to increase significantly.
The Oriental mole cricket typically preys on other arthropods and does not directly affect plants.
Biting animal or pet
Mouthparts Type
Chewing mouthparts
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Distribution Area of Oriental mole cricket
The oriental mole cricket is found in Russia and other parts of the former USSR, China, Japan, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Hawaii, where it seems to have arrived from Asia before 1896.
Life Cycle of Oriental mole cricket
Egg The egg stage of the oriental mole cricket involves a small, oblong egg laid in groups within soil. The eggs are initially white and may darken as they mature. At this stage, oriental mole cricket is immobile and encased within a protective shell, undergoing gradual developmental changes.
Nymph Emerging from the eggs, oriental mole cricket nymphs resemble smaller versions of the adults with proportionately larger heads and antennae. They lack fully developed wings and reproductive organs. Nymphs are voracious, molting several times, and with each molt, their color, size, and wing buds develop incrementally.
Adult Adult oriental mole crickets display fully developed wings, elongated bodies, and pronounced cerci. The mature coloration is established, facilitating camouflage or mating displays. Adults focus on feeding, mating, and in females, oviposition. They can produce distinct sounds through stridulation, unlike their immature forms.
Predators of Oriental mole cricket Larvae
Birds, rodents, insectivorous mammals, carnivorous insects, spiders, reptiles
Predators of Adult Oriental mole cricket
Birds, small mammals, larger predatory insects, spiders, reptiles, amphibians
Interesting Facts About Oriental mole cricket
Despite their earthbound appearance, oriental mole cricket possess the ability to swim proficiently using their spade-like front legs to paddle through water.
Scientific Classification of Oriental mole cricket
Tips for Finding Oriental mole cricket
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Youth Habitat of Oriental mole cricket
Grasslands and Prairies, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Urban and Suburban Areas
Adult Habitat of Oriental mole cricket
Grasslands and Prairies, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Urban and Suburban Areas
How Can You Attract Oriental mole cricket
Common food-based traps for oriental mole cricket might include fruits or vegetables buried partially in the soil as bait to attract them.
Habitat Preferences of Oriental mole cricket Through Different Life Stages
During the nymph stage, oriental mole cricket are typically located underground where the soil is moist and easy to burrow through, often beneath grassy or cultivated fields. As nymphs, they continue to dwell below the surface but may be found closer to plant roots where they feed. To search for them, one would dig softly around these areas, being mindful of their delicate tunnels. Adult oriental mole cricket, still favoring a subterranean habitat, can be encountered in similar environments, especially near lawns and gardens in the evening when they are most active. Careful examination of the soil at dusk or night might reveal the elusive adults.
When is the Best Time to Observe Oriental mole cricket
The best time for finding oriental mole cricket might be at night when they are most active or during the early morning or late evening hours.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Oriental mole cricket
Wet soil conditions after a rainfall may provide optimal opportunities to find oriental mole cricket, as they tend to burrow and are more likely to be closer to the surface when the ground is moist.
How and Where Can You Find Oriental mole cricket at Different Life Stages
Nymph Oriental mole cricket nymphs live underground and are less likely to be seen. To find them, look for mounds or disturbed soil, and carefully dig in these areas with a small trowel.
Adult Oriental mole cricket adults can be found by listening for their distinctive chirping sounds during the nighttime. Use a flashlight to locate them based on the sound, or set traps baited with food near their burrows.
Are Oriental mole cricket harmful?
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Harmful Effects of Oriental mole cricket
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Agricultural Pests

The nymphs of oriental mole cricket feed on the roots of crops like rice, wheat, and corn, leading to hindered plant growth and reduced yields. Severe infestations can cause complete plant death, threatening food security and farmer livelihoods.

More Effects of Oriental mole cricket

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