Photo By Francisco Welter-Schultes , used under CC0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Adonis' ladybird
Hippodamia variegata
A species of Oblong ladybird beetles, Also known as Variegated ladybug, Spotted amber ladybird beetle, Adonis ladybird beetle
The adonis' ladybird (Hippodamia variegata) is a lady beetle that has a strong love for dry, rough vegetation. Like most ladybugs, it also acts as a pest control measure against aphids. This makes them cute and useful, which is a good combination of things to be.
General Info About Adonis' ladybird
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The Adonis' ladybird is non-toxic and generally doesn't pose a risk to human health. No need for excessive worry.
Not reported
The Adonis' ladybird is often found near the corolla, where its fluffy hairs easily pick up pollen, assisting in the pollination of the plant.
Mouthparts Type
Chewing mouthparts
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Species Status of Adonis' ladybird
It is native in the Palearctic, but has also spread to the Nearctic and Oriental region. It has been found outside its native range countries such as Australia, South Africa, Kenya, India, China, Canada, the United States, and Chile, often through intended introduction to control crop pests.
Distribution Area of Adonis' ladybird
Palearctic, spread to the Nearctic and Oriental region
Life Cycle of Adonis' ladybird
Egg During the egg stage, adonis' ladybird is typically oval and yellowish in color, fixed to a leaf or substrate near a food source. The egg size is small, and there's no locomotion or feeding activity during this period.
Larva As a larva, adonis' ladybird exhibits a voracious appetite, primarily feeding on aphids. Its elongated body with distinct patterning grows markedly through several molts, progressively increasing in size and changing in coloration.
Pupal Entering the pupal stage, adonis' ladybird ceases to feed and becomes immobile. Encased within a chrysalis often anchored to a leaf or other substrate, its size and shape transform drastically as it prepares for adulthood.
Adult Emerging from the pupa, the adult adonis' ladybird’s development is marked by the presence of wings and functional reproductive organs. The body is fully formed and hardened, with distinct color patterns and ready for dispersal and mating.
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Youth Habitat of Adonis' ladybird
Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies
Adult Habitat of Adonis' ladybird
Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Urban and Suburban Areas
How Can You Attract Adonis' ladybird
For the adult adonis' ladybird, a trap could include aphids or sweet substances as bait to attract them.
Habitat Preferences of Adonis' ladybird Through Different Life Stages
The eggs of adonis' ladybird are typically deposited on the underside of leaves where aphids, their primary food source, are abundant. Larvae can be found on various plants, still preying on aphids and other soft-bodied insects. As they grow, you would find these larvae on the move, often on leaves or stems in search of food. Pupae often adhere to the same plants in a sheltered location, such as leaf undersides or stem nooks. Adults show a slight shift in locations; while they still favor aphid-rich environments for feeding, they may also be spotted on flowering plants, as they consume pollen and nectar as well. To look for these various stages, search focused on these specific parts of plants within gardens or agricultural fields known for aphid presence.
When is the Best Time to Observe Adonis' ladybird
The most suitable time to look for adonis' ladybird is during the day when they are most active, especially during late spring and early summer when they become more visible.
Are Adonis' ladybird harmful?
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Beneficial Effects of Adonis' ladybird
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Predators of Pests
Predators of Pests
Adults, Larvae
Feed Itself
Adonis' ladybird, a beetle commonly known as a ladybug, actively hunts aphids throughout its larval and adult stages to feed itself and its offspring. These beetles use their mandibles to seize and crush their prey, playing a vital role in controlling pest populations. A little-known fact is that adonis' ladybird can consume hundreds of aphids during its lifecycle, significantly impacting pest densities in their habitats.
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