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Spring tree-top flasher

Spring tree-top flasher

Pyractomena borealis

A species of Pyractomena

Look for the adult spring tree-top flasher in the early spring in warmer climates and late summer in cooler regions where it is typically seen flashing above the trees. The males and females flash differently, with females only displaying around four small lights while the abdomen of males appears to light up. The firefly is most often found in moist, wooded habitats.

General Info About Spring tree-top flasher
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Attributes of Spring tree-top flasher
Adult Food Sources
Nectar, pollen, aphid honeydew, small insects, plant material
Not reported
The Spring tree-top flasher is non-toxic and generally doesn't pose a risk to human health. No need for excessive worry.
Not reported
Not reported
Pest-Eating Predatory
Not reported
Not reported
The Spring tree-top flasher typically preys on other arthropods and does not directly affect plants.
Biting animal or pet
Mouthparts Type
Chewing mouthparts
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Species Status of Spring tree-top flasher
It is found in North America.
Distribution Area of Spring tree-top flasher
North America
Life Cycle of Spring tree-top flasher
Egg Upon hatching, spring tree-top flasher eggs reveal larvae designed for growth. These eggs are often deposited in moist environments. The shape and size are minuscule, and the primary function is to emerge as larvae.
Larva Spring tree-top flasher larvae are distinct from adults, worm-like and larger than eggs. They exhibit varying colors, often camouflaged. Larvae feed voraciously, focusing on size increase and energy storage for metamorphosis.
Pupal The pupal stage signifies transformation. Inside the pupa, spring tree-top flasher undergoes significant restructuring. The shape, size, and internal systems alter dramatically. Mobility ceases as focus shifts to developing adult features.
Adult Emerging from the pupa, the adult spring tree-top flasher displays hardened wing cases and fully functional reproductive organs. Its body's color and size signal maturity, and behavior shifts to reproduction and dispersal.
Predators of Adult Spring tree-top flasher
Birds, spiders, rodents
Interesting Facts About Spring tree-top flasher
Spring tree-top flasher can synchronize their light emissions, creating a stunning display of collective flashing in the night.
Scientific Classification of Spring tree-top flasher
Tips for Finding Spring tree-top flasher
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Youth Habitat of Spring tree-top flasher
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies
Adult Habitat of Spring tree-top flasher
Forests and Woodlands, Urban and Suburban Areas, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas
How Can You Attract Spring tree-top flasher
Since spring tree-top flasher are not attracted to conventional baits or food traps, using a light trap might be the most effective way to attract these creatures, as adults are bioluminescent and are generally more active during twilight hours.
What is the Best Weather to Observe Spring tree-top flasher
Moist, warm nights are ideal for finding spring tree-top flasher. They are less active during very dry or cold conditions. As they are a part of the ecosystem that thrives in damp environments, a night after the rain might increase the chances of encountering them.
How and Where Can You Find Spring tree-top flasher at Different Life Stages
Larva Spring tree-top flasher larvae can be located in damp areas under logs, rocks, and leaves. Searching along the edges of wetlands or in marshy areas after dark may be productive as the larvae emit light and can be spotted by their glow.
Pupal Spring tree-top flasher pupae do not move and are typically found in the same environments as the larvae. Check under debris and vegetation in moist areas for the immobile pupae which are camouflaged and do not emit light.
Adult Spring tree-top flasher adults are most easily spotted by their intermittent bioluminescent flashes in the dark. To find them, walk in areas where they are known to occur, using a red-filtered flashlight, which does not interfere with their light patterns, and look for their characteristic flashes to locate them.
Are Spring tree-top flasher harmful?
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Beneficial Effects of Spring tree-top flasher
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Predators of Pests
Predators of Pests
Feed Itself
Soft-bodied Insects, Snails, Slugs
Spring tree-top flasher is a fascinating insect that employs bioluminescence during its predation. In their larval stage, they are voracious predators, seeking out soft-bodied insects, snails, and slugs. Adults also prey on pests, motivated by the need to feed themselves. This practice of predation ensures their survival and also aids in controlling pest populations in the ecosystem.
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