Photo By Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez , used under CC-BY-3.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
24-spot ladybird
Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata
A species of Subcoccinella, Also known as Twenty-four spotted lady beetle, 24-spotted ladybird beetle, 24-spotted lady beetle, Legume lady bug, S24
The 24-spot ladybird boasts a distinctive shield-shaped exoskeleton marked by a series of spots ranging in number and configuration among individuals, which can help it blend into various floral environments. As an adept ecosystem resident, it undergoes a complete metamorphosis, with larvae that are voracious feeders on soft-bodied invertebrates, an attribute that can significantly impact pest populations in their habitats. In its adult phase, 24-spot ladybird adapts its diet to include a wider range of both invertebrates and botanical offerings.
General Info About 24-spot ladybird
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Attributes of 24-spot ladybird
steppe; grassland; quarry; wasteland; ruderal area; forest; near river
Leaves of various plants, plant tissue, grass, cereals, alfalfa
Not reported
Not reported
Defensive attack
Not reported
Not reported
The 24-spot ladybird is non-toxic and generally doesn't pose a risk to human health. No need for excessive worry.
Not reported
The 24-spot ladybird is often found near the corolla, where its fluffy hairs easily pick up pollen, assisting in the pollination of the plant.
Pest-Eating Predatory
Not reported
The 24-spot ladybird feeds on plants, usually without causing significant harm. However, it's important to take the situation seriously if their numbers begin to increase significantly.
Not reported
Biting animal or pet
Not reported
Mouthparts Type
Chewing mouthparts
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Species Status of 24-spot ladybird
It is distributed in Europe, North Asia, East Asia, Central Asia and West Asia. It was introduced into North America some time last century. In Britain it is more common in the south.
Distribution Area of 24-spot ladybird
Europe, North Africa, European Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia, the Russian Far East, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Transcaucasia, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, Western Asia, Afghanistan, Mongolia, China, North and South Korea
Life Cycle of 24-spot ladybird
Egg After oviposition, 24-spot ladybird begins as an egg. This stage is characterized by a lack of mobility and a small, oval shape often deposited in clusters. The coloration blends with the environment to avoid predation.
Larva Upon hatching, the larva emerges with a voracious appetite. This stage exhibits a distinct elongated form and differs in color from mature stages. It molts repeatedly, growing larger with each instar.
Pupal After the final larval instar, 24-spot ladybird enters the pupal stage. During this period, it is immobile, undergoing a drastic transformation. The pupa is usually encased in a chrysalis, where metamorphosis occurs.
Adult Emerging from the pupa, the adult 24-spot ladybird's development is marked by the presence of wings and functional reproductive organs. The body is fully formed and hardened, and the adult is mobile, focusing on reproduction.
Adult Size of 24-spot ladybird
3.5 - 4.5 mm
Predators of 24-spot ladybird Larvae
Insectivorous birds, other predatory insects such as larger beetles and lacewings, arachnids like spiders
Predators of Adult 24-spot ladybird
Insectivorous birds, larger insects (e.g., praying mantises, other larger beetles), small mammals, reptiles
Interesting Facts About 24-spot ladybird
Unlike most of its colorful kin, 24-spot ladybird has a remarkable ability to produce a faint chirping sound, a rare trait within its family.
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Youth Habitat of 24-spot ladybird
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas
Adult Habitat of 24-spot ladybird
Forests and Woodlands, Grasslands and Prairies, Agricultural and Cultivated Areas, Urban and Suburban Areas
How Can You Attract 24-spot ladybird
Sugar-based baits or aphid-infested plants might attract 24-spot ladybird, given their dietary preferences.
Habitat Preferences of 24-spot ladybird Through Different Life Stages
The eggs of 24-spot ladybird are typically laid on the underside of leaves, where they are sheltered and have access to food upon hatching. The larval stage, seeking ample food sources, is usually found on plants infested with aphids, its primary diet. Pupae are often attached to leaves or stems in the same vicinity. Meanwhile, adults can be more widespread, also favoring gardens, crop fields, and meadows with abundant vegetation and prey availability. If you wish to find these various stages of 24-spot ladybird, carefully inspect the undersides of leaves and stems of plants, preferably those with aphid colonies, progressing from the lower to higher foliage as you search for the more mature stages.
When is the Best Time to Observe 24-spot ladybird
Late spring to early summer could be the best times to find 24-spot ladybird since this is when they are most active and visible.
What is the Best Weather to Observe 24-spot ladybird
Warm, dry days are ideal for locating 24-spot ladybird since they are more active in these conditions.
How and Where Can You Find 24-spot ladybird at Different Life Stages
Egg 24-spot ladybird eggs are tiny, often yellowish or orange, and are usually laid in clusters on the undersides of leaves, especially those with aphid colonies. Inspect the leaves of plants that are known to have aphid issues for the best chance of finding them.
Larva 24-spot ladybird larvae can be seen crawling on plants, voraciously consuming aphids. Look for them on plants that are infested with aphids, as the larvae will be actively hunting in these areas.
Pupal 24-spot ladybird pupae are often attached to leaves or stems of plants near aphid populations. They can be identified by their distinctive, motionless, shell-like appearance. Search for these on the stems and leaves of plants, especially where larvae were previously found.
Adult Adult 24-spot ladybird are beetles that can fly, making them a bit more challenging to find. They are often seen on or near plants infested with aphids. Gardens, fields, and areas with rich vegetation can be good places to observe these adults in action.
Are 24-spot ladybird harmful?
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