Top 20 Most Common Insects in Punjab
Insects, with their diverse characteristics and habitats, are intriguing creatures that inhabit every nook and cranny of Punjab. As Punjab's landscapes differ, so does the insect diversity, showcasing an impressive array of species. These little creatures play an essential role in our ecosystem, from being pests affecting agricultural productivity to beneficial insects aiding in pollination. Our list, 'Top 20 most common insects in Punjab', will not just identify species, but will amplify our understanding of how our environment molds their lives.

Most Common Insects

1. Lime swallowtail
The lime swallowtail (Papilio demoleus) has a beautiful black and white pattern, but it's considered a major pest to citrus trees. It feeds on nearly any type of citrus, including oranges and limes. This butterfly's small, green larvae are capable of defoliating an entire nursery grove. They are truly trouble makers in the citrus orchard.

2. Pioneer white
Wet-season form. The upperside of males is white with the forewing having the costa from base to base of vein 11 dusky black and then jet black continuing into a widened and curving short streak along the discocellulars to the lower apex of the cell; apical area diagonally with the termen black, the former with six elongate outwardly pointed spots of the ground colour enclosed one in each of the interspaces 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9. Hindwing: uniform, the black along the venation on the underside seen through by transparency; termen between veins 2 and 6 somewhat broadly black, with a series of four round spots of the ground colour in the interspaces; below vein 2 and above vein 6 the termen is very narrowly black. Underside: forewing white, markings similar, more clearly defined, the white spots within the black apical area larger. Hindwing: yellowish white, all the reins very broadly bordered with black; interspaces 1, 2, 6, and 7 with crossbars of black, beyond which there is a subterminal, somewhat broad, transverse band of black between veins 2 and 6. Cilia of both forewings and hindwings white alternated with black. The ground colour on both upper and undersides variable, often cream coloured above; beneath: in some specimens, the base of cell and the elongate spots in apical area of forewing, and the whole surface of the hindwing varies to rich chrome yellow. Female similar; the black markings on both upper and undersides broader, the white spots on black apical area of forewing often sub-obsolete above. Antennae in both sexes black, sparsely sprinkled with white dots; head, thorax and abdomen above and below white: thorax above often bluish grey. Dry-season form. The dry-season form is similar to the wet-season form but on the upperside the black markings are narrower, the white markings on the black apical area of forewing broader and longer, and on the hindwing the narrow inner margining to the black on the termen very narrow, somewhat obsolescent; therefore, the white subterminal spots have the appearance of opening inwards. Underside: ground colour almost pure white; on the hindwing slightly tinged with yellow. Antennae, head, thorax, and abdomen as in the wet-season form. Wingspan of 4.5 - 6 cm.

3. Arabian paper wasp
Distinctive for its complex communication tactics, arabian paper wasp exhibits an advanced social hierarchy within its colonies. This wasp plays a pivotal role in regulating pest populations, feeding primarily on caterpillars. Unlike other wasps, arabian paper wasp prioritizes constructing nests in shaded areas, showing a preference for specific microclimates. As pollinators, they indirectly aid in plant propagation, strengthening the overall health of their ecosystem.

4. Plain tiger butterfly
D. chrysippus is a medium-sized butterfly with a wingspan of about 7–8 cm (2.8–3.1 in). The body is black with many white spots. The wings are orange, the upperside brighter and richer than the underside. The apical half of the forewing is black with a white band. The hindwing has three black spots in the center. The wings are bordered in black and outlined with semicircular white spots. This species exhibits slight sexual dimorphism, as the Male has large scent glands on his hindwings, which the female lacks. They appear as a large black spot with a white centre if viewed from the underside D. chrysippus is a polymorphic species, so the exact coloring and patterning vary within and between populations. It is similar in appearance to the Indian fritillary (Argynnis hyperbius), which may coexist with it.

5. Pea blue
The wingspan is 24–32 mm for males and 24–34 mm for females. In these small butterflies the males have a mainly blue violet upper face of the wings with the brown edges, while the females have only a small amount of blue colour in the centre of the wings (sexual dimorphism). Both sexes have a thin, long tail in the hindwings and two black spots in the anal angle. The underface of the wings is ocher and adorned with white markings and with a larger white submarginal streak. The underface of each hindwing shows a pair of small black eye-spots beside each tail, with an orange marginal spots at the anal angle.

6. Common mormon
The common mormon (Papilio polytes) is a beautiful, black butterfly with unique hindwings that have orange and white colorings and two spots jutting out. They are named after the Mormon religion, as the butterflies participate in polygamy, which is a common practice for Mormons. They are also known to mimic red-bodied swallowtail, who are inedible.

7. Indian cabbage white
The male is white to pale cream on its upperside. The base of the forewing, the basal portion of the costa, and the base and upper margin of the cell have a scattering of black scales. It is black from the apex to about the middle of the terminal margin. On the latter the black extends for a very short distance triangularly along the veins. There is a round black spot in interspace 3. The hindwing has a subcostal black spot as in Pieris rapae but is generally larger and more conspicuous, and a series of four or five terminal black spots that vary in size at the apices of the veins. Underside: the forewing is white; cell and costa are lightly irrorated (speckled) with black scales; apex is somewhat broadly tinged with ochraceous yellow. Interspaces 1, 3 and 5 have conspicuous subquadrate black spots; the spot in interspace 1 sometimes extends out of interspace 1. That in interspace 5 is ill-defined. Hindwing: from pale, almost white, to dark ochraceous, thickly irrorated all over (with the exception of a longitudinal streak in the cell, and in the darker specimens similar longitudinal streaks in the interspaces) with black scales; costa above vein 8 are chrome yellow. Antennae are black with minute white specks; the long hairs on the head and thorax are greenish grey; the abdomen is black. Beneath, the head, thorax and abdomen are white. The female is similar to the male on the underside, but the scattering of black scales is more prominent; the black on the apex and termen of the forewing and the black spots on the termen of the hindwing are broader and more extended inwards; on the forewing there is an additional spot in interspace 1, and both this and the spot in interspace 3 in many specimens are connected by a line of black scales along the veins to the outer black border; also the spot in interspace 1 often extends across vein 1 into the interspace below.It has a wingspan of 4 - 6 cm.

8. Giant honey bee
The giant honey bee (Apis dorsata) is incredibly defensive of their territory. This may be related to humans' honey hunting, where honey is stolen from wild bees. Their nests are built from high, overhanging locations. Much like humans, they are unlikely to build onto an old building due to safety issues. Their nests need to be sturdy, as a colony can reach up to 100 thousand workers.

9. Common grass yellow
The common grass yellow (Eurema hecabe) can be found in groups around damp soil. Despite their name, they do not feed on grass, instead, they are known to frequently visit grasslands. It can change its form depending upon the season, as it is far more rough-looking if it comes during the dry season.

10. Seven-spotted ladybug
Seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata), known in North America as the "seven-spotted ladybug," is the most common species of ladybird in Europe and the official state insect of five U.S. states. While not native to North America, it has established itself there after being introduced to control aphid populations. Its bright coloring deters predators, and it may also play dead or secrete foul-smelling liquids to discourage consumption.